Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Question 41: Chapter 12

What does Chris learn about his family while on his first road trip after high school? What effect, if any, do you believe that it had on his trip to Alaska?

Need 5 or more complete sentences for full credit

DUE: Friday March 4th 11:59pm


  1. Chris learned that his family was trying to be very protective of him. When he left and didn't call his family they got worried about him. When he got home his father was extremely upset with him and told him never to do a stunt like that again. His sister knew that this was going to be how he was and just embraced Chris when he got home. Chris's mother also was also upset but she went about it all in a very different way. Chris learned that his family would never truely understand him or his ways.

  2. While on his first road trip after high school Chris finds out that his father had not ended thing right away after divorcing his ex-wife Marica. He discovered this when he went back to his old neighborhood and talked to some people from the past. They informed him that is why there still not close to him anymore is because of all the drama that happened back in the day. I believe that this did effect his trip to Alaska because he felt like he didn't want to go back to the betrayal and hurt that he felt towards his father. He left his old life and didn't want to go back.

  3. Chris learned that his family cared alot for him and were very protective of him. He learned that when he left without even telling his family they got extremly worried about him. His father was very upset with him and thourghly yelled at him to never do somethign like that again. Chris's sister knew Chris well and embraced his personality and accepted him for who he is. Chirs' mom was very upset but in a different way. Chris learned he will never truly be understood by family.
    Mark D

  4. After returning from his first road trip, his parents were very angry at him due to his lack of communication with them. Chris knew that his parents would never change how they felt about this and so did his sister. I feel that the way his parents acted only made him wasn't to fin the freedom of Alaska even more.

  5. Chris knew at that moment that he would soon leave his parents side and go off on his own adventure. It didnt matter what his parents thought, he was going to become a new man, and the old Chris would not be coming back

  6. While on his first roadtrip after high school, Chris learned that his parents were definitely very cautious and paranoid for his safety. When he returned home, Chris’ dad was angry because of how little Chris told them about this roadtrip of his. He learned that he would never properly fit in with his family and that his parents would never understand what he was really doing. He learned they wouldn’t ever fully comprehend his views toward nature and his dislike for society. Discovering this information probably made him feel he needed to go to Alaska as soon as possible.

  7. On his first road trip after attending high-school, Chris learned that his parent did care about him and for his well being. They were worried for his safety and him just leaving caused his father to get very angry at him when he came back. This made Chris think that his parents and him would never see eye to eye on things. He knew he didn't fit the mold of his parents' image for him. I dont think that this had an effect on him and his trip to Alaska because he went without telling them, he did not care, he had his heart set on it and nothing was getting in his way.

  8. After his first road trip, Chris learned that his parents actually did care a lot about him and his well being. When he got back however his father was really angry at him. This proved to Chris that his father and him would never end up seeing eye to eye in anything. Chris thought that he would never be able to fill the shoes his parents had so called " boughten for him." I believe that this had no effect on Chris, i believe if anything it pushed him even more to want to go away to Alaska. Chris is a person that does what he wants to, if he sets his mind on something he has to follow his idea.

  9. Chris learns about his parents worry. Any parent worth their salt would be worried about their child. Any parent who let their child do what ever they want his a terrible role model. Chris's parents were however unaware of Chris's need to be free. Every parent should be aware of their child's unique traits. Chris's parents should have eased Chris into freedom, but instead they stifled him. Their reactions to Chris's "trip" was most likely one of Chris's deciding factors in his final departure.
    -Sean Henderson

  10. I think that Chris really learned that his family was just trying to be protective of him. It also showed him that they cared about him no matter how much he did not want to believe it. Unfortunately when Chris returned from his trip his father was angered with him. This opened Chris' eyes to see the fact that he and his father would never see things the same. Chris knew that he didn't fit the model that his parents set for him. I do not think any of this had an effect on his decision to go to Alaska.

  11. After Chris' first road trip I think he learned that his parents would never grasp his true personality and nature. When he had gotten back his father yelled at him, he said that he was angry because both his father and mother were worried about him. Chris' father had not wanted him to ever do something like this again. His little sister excepted him and I think she understood that her parents would never fully accept him and she must've understood why he left. I definitely think that the way Chris' parents acted affected him, I think he left kind of in spite of them, and maybe if they would have accepted him than he would have kept in contact.

  12. Chris learned that his parents were very protective and cared about him a lot. When he didn't call them they became extreamly nervous and afraid for him. When he got home his parents were upset with him, espcially him dad. Chris's sister knew that Chris was this way and supported him. Chris now knew his parents would never fully understand him or his ways.
