Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Question 42: Chapter 12

Billie states at the end of the chapter, "I just don't understand why he had to take those kind of chances...I just don't understand at all" (p. 132).

From what you have read thus far, why do you believe that he took those kind of chances? Why do you believe that he was able to leave his family behind, especially Carine?

Look at the situation from his familys' perspective, if you were in their position, would you understand what Chris did?

Pretend that you are Carine, if you were able to say something to Chris before his trip, or while he was on his trip to Alaska, what would you say to him?

Respond to the questions above with depth and specificity.

DUE: Friday March 4th 11:59pm

Question 41: Chapter 12

What does Chris learn about his family while on his first road trip after high school? What effect, if any, do you believe that it had on his trip to Alaska?

Need 5 or more complete sentences for full credit

DUE: Friday March 4th 11:59pm

Question 40: Chapter 11

After you have gained new knowledge about Chris from this particular chapter of his childhood and years prior to college, I would like you to take that information and apply it to the following task.

Task: Hypothetically, if Chris just transferred to St. Mary High School half way through his Freshman year, plan out what he would do over the course of his four years at St. Mary. What would he participate in? What sports, school oriented clubs, etc.
In order to get the best possible score on this task, you must be as specific as possible in your response. You will incorporate specific information from the chapter and page numbers to support reasoning. You will use specific sports/ school groups, places in Westfield, etc. to formulate your response. Make sure your response is appropriate! This response need not be longer than a paragraph, but responses of fewer than 4-7 sentences will most likely receive a lower grade than those who put in obvious effort or went above and beyond*.

* Preferred! :)

DUE: Friday March 4th 11:59pm

Question 39:Chapter 11

List 20 things that you learned about Chris from his childhood/adolescence (jobs, characteristics, activities, etc). Next to each thing, write the page number that you found it

List 10 things that you learned about Walt and Billie. Next to each thing, write the page number that you found it.

From your reading of this chapter, what could you infer about Chris' relationship with his parents during high school? (3-4 sentences). Try to make connections, inferences, etc. Cite the page number next to information taken directly from the text.

DUE: Friday March 4th 11:59pm

Monday, February 21, 2011

Question 38: Chapter 10

 Why do you believe that Chris' second W-2 Form that he filled out for Wayne had all of his legitimate information, whereas he didn't treat his 1st one seriously? Be as specific as possible in your conclusions.

DUE Thursday, March 3rd 11:59pm

Question 37: Chapter 9

In looking at the two quotes below by Everett Ruess and from the text of chapter 9, in what ways can you find similarities and differences, parallels, to the life that Chris lead? dedicated to living? Be as specific as possible, which means take examples from the text or from your own interpretation of the text. Use your own words. I will not give full credit if you are simply restating the information provided. Find a total of at least 8 ways.

"I have always been unsatisfied with life as most people live it. Always I want to live more intensely and richly. Why muck and conceal one's true longings and loves, when by speaking of them one might find someone to understand them, and by acting on them one might discover oneself?"

"I have not tired of the wilderness; rather I enjoy its beauty and the vagrant life I lead, more keenly all the time. I prefer the saddle to the streetcar and star-sprinkled sky to a roof, the obscure and difficult trail, leading into the unknown to any paved highway, and the deep peace of the wild to the discontent bred by cities." - from the last letter Ruess sent to his brother, dated November 11, 1934.

DUE: Thursday March 3rd 11:59pm


For extra credit, read the following National Geographic Article on Everett Ruess, and write a 3 paragraph (5-8 sentences each) opinion piece on the theory that you believe best supports Everett's dissapearance. The object of this is not choosing the "right answer," but rather reflecting on one theory that you read about/ citing evidence that you believe bests supports your theoretical take on his dissapearance.

Link to the article:

Due Date: I will be collecting this until the unit exam at the end of our reading of Into the Wild

I am not mandating the completion of this extra credit assignment, but this will be one of the few opportunities left for the quarter to obtain extra credit.

Question 36: Chapter 8

Find five similarities and five differences between "The Major of Hippie Cove,"Gene Rosellini, and Chris McCandless. The excerpts with Rosellini, that will help in answering this question, are on pages 72-75. The information of Chris that you can utilize is that which you gained from prior reading. Then, I would like you to do the same in comparing and contrasting, finding parallels between, Chris and John Waterman (pgs 77-80). Lastly, do the same with McCunn (pgs 80-85). Why do you believe that Krakauer incorporated those three stories into the novel?

In order to gain an A on this assessment, you must make textual references and include page numbers.

DUE: Thursday March 3rd 11:59pm

Question 35: Chapter 8

In the beginning of Chapter 8, Krakauer mentions a number of responses to the article that he wrote about Chris in Outside Magazine. I want you to read the following quotes, some are from the book and some taken from the magazine.  Choose ONE quote that you agree with and ONE quote that you want to argue with. In a different document, cite the quote and your explanation for agreeing/arguing with each (5-6 sentences each). In terms of your responses, I am really looking for quality and depth.

Quotes from Krakauer’s Outside Magazine article about Chris McCandless:

“Alex is a nut in my book. The author describes a man who has given away a small
fortune, forsaken a loving family, abandoned his car, watch and map and burned the last
of his money before traipsing of into the ‘wilderness’ west of Healy.”
- resident of Healy, Alaska

“Personally I see nothing positive at all about Chris McCandless’s lifestyle or wilderness
doctrine. Entering the wilderness purposefully ill-prepared, and surviving a near-death
experience does not make you a better human, it makes you damn lucky.”
-resident of Healy, Alaska

“Krakauer is a kook if he doesn’t think Chris ‘Alexander Supertramp’ McCandless was a
- resident of North Pole, Alaska

“Over the past 15 years, I’ve run into several McCandless types out in the country. Same story: idealistic, energetic, young guys who overestimated themselves, underestimated the country, and ended up in trouble. McCandless was hardly unique; there’s quite few of these guys handing around the state, so much alike that they’re almost a collective cliché. The only difference is that McCandless ended up dead, with the story of his dumbassedness splashed across the media…(Jack London got it right in “To Build A Fire.” McCandless is, finally, must a pale 20th- century burlesque of London’s protagonist, who freezes because he ignore advice and commits big-time hubris)…His ignorance, which could have been cured by a USGS quadrant and a Boy Scout manual, is what killed him. And while I feel for his parents, I have no sympathy for him. Such willful ignorance…amounts to disrespect for the land, and paradoxically demonstrates the same sort of arrogance that resulted in the Exxon Valdez spill—just another case of underprepared, overconfident men bumbling around out there and screwing up because they lacked the requisite humility. It’s all a matter of degree.McCandless’s contrived asceticism and a pseudoliterary stance…”
--resident of Ambler, Alaska—Inupiat village north of the Arctic Circle

“It should not be denied…that being footloose has always exhilarated us. It is associated in our minds with escape from history and oppression and law and irksome obligations,with absolute freedom, and the road has always led west.”
resident of Healy, Alaska

“It is true that many creative people fail to make mature personal relationships, and some are extremely isolated. It is also true that, in some instances, trauma, in the shape of early separation or bereavement, has steered the potentially creative person toward developing aspects of his personality which can find fulfillment in comparative isolation. But this does not mean that solitary, creative pursuits are themselves
pathological…Avoidance behavior is a response designed to protect the infant from behavioural disorganization. It we transfer this concept to adult life, we can see that an avoidant infant might very well develop into a person whose principal need was to find some kind of meaning and order in life which was not entirely or even chiefly, dependent upon interpersonal relationships.”
- Anthony Storr

DUE Thursday. March 3rd 11:59pm

Sunday, February 13, 2011


Creating your own "Odyssey"

Chris' dream was to carry out his "Alaskan Odyssey." The object of this mini-project is for you to get an idea as to the amount of effort that is involved in the planning process of a trip of this extent. This will hopefully provide a little more insight as to the drive and determination that Chris possessed.

I am cutting back on the amount of blog posts this week, which means that a great amount of effort should be placed into this project.


First, I would like you to answer these 7 questions below and preferably type them (you may post them to the blog, email or just hand them in). Secondly, I would like you to create a mini -journal discussing minimally 5 entries from your "travels." Entries should be minimally 8-12 sentences. Lastly, I would like you to create a collage encompassing all of the below questions. Include pictures of the places that you would go, the items that you would bring, words and phrases that represent your inspirations and thoughts, etc. This is a great opportunity to get creative! The more details that you provide in your collage, the better the grade. Due and to be presented to the class on Thursday February 17th.

1) Where would you like your Odyssey to end? For example: Chris' ended at Alaska. How many days, months, years would you like your odyssey to cover? Must minimally be 30 days. Example: Thoreau's was 2 years, 2 months and 2 days.

2) Through which states, countries, islands, etc, would you choose to travel before reaching your destination. Choose minimally 5 and when you are choosing, look at a map to make sure that it is possible/ logical to do so. For example: Chris went from Virginia to Willowcreek to Carthage to Needles, CA to the Mexican Border to LA to Las Vegas to Arizona to South Dakota to Canada etc.

3) If you were only able to bring a backpack of the following dimensions and it only held a maximum of 8 things comfortably, what would you bring with you? Take note that you will want to travel lightly and simply. The dimensions of the backpack that you will bring are: 12”W x 21”H x 8”D.

4) You have just graduated college and you have $2500 saved, will you donate your money to charity or take it with you? If you choose to donate it, where would you donate it and why? If you choose to keep it, explain how you will use it along the way on your journey. Site specific instances and expenses that you will forsee having.

5) Chris decided to go alone on his Odyssey, though he did meet many people whose lives he changed. Would you go alone on your Odyssey? If so, then why? Would you invite another person along with you on your Odyssey? If so, then who would it be and why? Take note that if you have someone join you, that doesnt mean that you will have any more money or materials.

6) What would your philosophy of nature be? Example: Thoreau went into nature to live "simply and deliberately" and to "suck the marrow out of life" before he woke up and realized that he had never lived.

7) When you reach the destination of your odyssey, what do you wish to explore? What is your reasoning behind choosing this destination? How long will you spend at your destination? What will you do with your time there? Create 5 journal entries reflecting upon your "experience" at your destination.

Chapter 7: Question 34

As we continue in our reading of Into the Wild, we uncover more about Chris. We learn about different facets of his personality, background, ambitions, talents, dark spots in his soul, etc. List 10 new things that we learn about Chris in this chapter. List more than 10 and you will get extra credit.

DUE: Weds. February 16th 2011

Chapter 6 and 7: Question 33

Over the course of this work, we as readers are able to see several parallels made between Chris and Thoreau. In this specific chapter, as well as those previously read, what parallels have you seen? List as many as possible. Next to each parallel, write the quote where you found it in the book.

DUE: Weds February 16 11:59pm

Chapter 6: Question 32

"Nobody, however, was affected more powerfully by his or her brief contact with the boy than Ronald Franz, who was eighty years old when their paths intersected in January 1992" (page 48).

Infer from your reading why you believe that Ronald Franz was affected to this degree by McCandless.

Respond in minimally 3-5 sentences. Make specific references to the text in your response. Include specific quotes for the best possible grade.

DUE Weds. Feb. 16th 11:59pm

Monday, February 7, 2011


Please remember to check your spelling before you post. Copy and paste your text into Microsoft Word, if you feel that you might miss something. I have started to deduct points for spelling because there are some entries that are starting to look messy and written with little attention to the details or question.
For those of you who have been carefully checking your work, it is noticeable and keep up the attentiveness to detail! These responses are looking good!

Ms. Lanese

Assignments 27-31: Chapter 5

27) Compare and Contrast Chris with his idol, Jack London (pg. 44)

28) In this chapter, how did Chris work to prepare for Alaska? (2 examples)

29) What does Chris accept or refuse to accept from Jan as he is leaving Bullhead City? How does this continue to characterize Chris?

30) What dates did you find from this chapter that we can add to our timeline? (2 dates)

31) What fact do we find out about Chris that serves as another parallel to Thoreau? (page 44)

One to two sentences will suffice. Due: Sunday, February 13th by 11:59pm. Again late assignments may be given either a deducted grade or a zero depending on the quality.

Assignments 22-26: Chapter 5

22) What was the place that Chris stayed "the longest from the time he left Atlanta until he went to Alaska?" (pg 39). From what you read, why do you believe that he stayed there that long?

23) What is your reaction to Chris' job at McDonald's? Why do you believe that he applied for a job at such a consumer-based, chain-restaurant? What triggered his attempt at a conventional existence?

24) Describe Chris' issue with shoes and socks at McDonald's. What aspect of Transcendentalism does this coincide with?

25) How did colleagues from McDonald's describe Chris?What were Chris' feelings towards them? If you worked with Chris at McDonald's, what would be your reaction to him, his diverse thoughts and actions?

26) Describe Chris' relationship with Jan and Bob Burres. Why does Chris get along well with them and they with Chris?

One to two sentences will sufficeDue: Sunday, February 13th by 11:59pm. Again late assignments may be given either a deducted grade or a zero depending on the quality.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Assignment # 21: Evaluating Images

Sometimes when we read, we hope to see images that relate to what we are reading, to both picture and understand what we are taking in on a different level. For this assignment, I want you to go to the following link: http://www.christophermccandless.info/intothewildpictures.html. As you open this link, you will see images of Chris McCandless, as well as images from his journey and photo journal. I want you to choose 10 images and write your reactions after seeing the images. How do you feel when seeing photos of the protagonist? What can you infer about Chris or others through these photos? Examine the expressions on his face in different situations. Describe your reaction to the inside of the bus and the conditions in which Chris lived while in Alaska.

Each picture reflection should be between 5-6 sentences. You do not need to combine all responses into a paragraph format. Rather, you may number each response, 1,2,3 etc.

DUE: Thursday, February 10th by 11: 59pm

Assignments 11-20: Chapter 4

11) Why did Chris leave his old yellow Datson, without license plates in Lake Mead National Recreation Area?

12) Describe what it means when Krakauer writes that, "he'd [Chris] arrived in Lake Mead National Recreation Area on July 6, riding a giddy Emersonian high"( page 27).  What does it mean in the context of what we are learning with Transcendentalism? How is Chris applying the concepts of Transcendentalism to his style of living?

For # 12: Respond in minimally 5-6 complete sentences.

13) After reading selections in class from Thoreau's essay "On the Duty of Civil Disobedience," which Chris "took as Gospel" (page 28), explain why you believe that Chris felt this way. Take a quote directly from Into the Wild as well as the essay and explain the relationship. What element of Transcendentalism was seen in the essay "On the Duty of Civil Disobedience?"

For # 13: Respond in minimally 5-6 complete sentences.

14) Also looking at "On the Duty of Civil Disobedience," why did Krakauer believe that Chris burning his money would have "done Thoreau proud?"(page 29) You may choose to either take evidence from the handout of the essay from class or from the full-text here: http://www.constitution.org/civ/civildis.htm.

For #14: Respond minimally in 3-5 sentences.

15) What is the significance of Chris' new last name, Supertramp? Looking at the the word "tramp" in the context of your reading, how does it apply to Chris?

16) How was Krakauer able to tell us, the readers, about the events which happened during Chris' travels? (page 29).

17) Throughout the course of Chapter 4, what was Chris doing to prepare himself for his Alaskan "Odyssey?"

18) What do we learn about Chris' parents in this chapter? How are they handling Chris' disappearance?

19) What new dates can we add to our timeline that you found in this chapter? (Note: There are 8) PLEASE NEXT TO EACH DATE, WRITE WHAT HAPPENED. What made that date important? Just state briefly.

20) Describe Chris' journal writing style (pgs 34-35).

DUE: Wednesday, February 9th by 11:59pm. Any assignments posted later than the due date are subject to receive either a deducted grade or a zero depending on the quality of work received.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Assignment # 10: Chapter 3, Question 4

"[Chris] changed his name, gave the entire balance of a twenty-four-thousand-dollar savings account to charity, abandoned his car and most of his possessions, burned all the cash in his wallet. And then he invented a new life for himself" (page 1 of the Author's Note). Chris began his new life as "Alex Supertramp, master of his own destiny" (page 23).

What could be the motivations behind someone taking such radical actions within their life? What do you believe that Emerson and Thoreau would say about what Chris does? How is Chris different from Emerson and Thoreau?

Respond in minimally 3-5 sentences

Due: Friday, February 4th by 11:59pm

Assignment # 9: Chapter 3, Question 3

On page 22, Chris sends one last note to his parents before he begins his "epic odyssey." What is your reaction to his note? What can you infer about the relationship that he has with his family from his last letter?  Chris told his family, "I think I am going to disappear for awhile" (page 21).  Do you believe that he intended to ever come back?

Respond in minimally 5-6 sentences.

Due Thursday February 3rd, by 11:59pm

Assignment # 8: Chapter 3, Question 2

Understanding Chris

Over the course of the chapter, we begin to learn more about Chris. We learn about his personality, his life-style, his background, his physical characteristics, and some of his motivations. I want you to make a list of 20 different things that you learn about Chris.

Due: Thursday, February 3rd by 11:59pm

Assignment # 7: Chapter 3, Question 1

"I wanted movement  and not a calm course of existence, I wanted excitement and danger and the chance to sacrifice myself for my love. I felt in myself a superabundance of energy which found no outlet in our quiet life" ~ Leo Tolstoy~ "Family Happiness" Passage highlighted in one of the books found with Chris McCandless's remains (page 15).

From what you have read thus far of Into the Wild, how does this quote apply to Chris' life? Does this quote speak to you and your modes of thought? Why or why not?

Respond in at least 3-5 complete sentences.

Due: Thursday, February 3rd, by 11:59pm

Assignment #6: Chapter 2, Question 2


After reading this quote in your book, describe your reaction to McCandless' S.O.S.

Minimally 3-5 complete sentences.

Due Thursday, February 3rd, by 11:59pm

Assignment #5: Chapter 2, Question 1

Into the Wild is a piece of journalistic non-fiction.

What is your opinion on Jon Krakauer's decision to begin the story at the end? How does this affect your liking or understanding of the protagonist? If you were writing a story, would you ever consider doing something similar?

Respond with minimally 5-8 sentences.

Due: Thursday, February 3rd by 11:59pm

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Assignment 4: Chapter 1, Question 2

In Chapter 1, we are able to see that Chris only had a ten-pound bag of rice, cheap hiking boots, a 22 caliber and no ax, bug spray,snowshoes or compass.

After reading this chapter, do you think that Chris recognized how inadequately prepared that he was for his adventures or do you believe that he truly thought survival was possible with what little he had?

From what you have read thus far, do you believe that Chris went into the woods, not wanting to come out alive or did he want to take an approach similar to Thoreau in existing simply?

Respond to the following questions in a total of at least 5-8 complete sentences.

Due by: Wednesday, February 2nd at 11:59pm


If you create a blog, you need to send me the link to your blog, where you would post your responses to the assignments or if you choose not to create the extra credit blog, then post your assignments to my blog under comments or email me your responses through edline.

Make sure that you are sending in your assignments at the specified times in order to receive full credit. Any assignments that are late, depending on the quality, may receive partial or no credit.

Enjoy your snow day.

Ms. Lanese

Assignment 3: Chapter 1, Question 1

On page 7 of the book, Chris states,"I don't want to know what time it is. I don't want to know what day it is or where I am. None of that matters."

From Walden: Where I Lived and Solitude by Thoreau, find 3 specific quotes from the text that parallel or could be taken as inspiration for Chris' thinking.

Next to each quote, explain why you chose it and how you believe it parallels Chris' school of thought.

Due: Wednesday by 11:59pm.

Students: Please remember that all posts and responses are academic assignments. Make sure that any language used and content discussed reflect the same standards for typical homework or in-class assignments.

Assignment #2: Author's Note, Question 2

"Some readers admired the boy immensely for his courage and noble ideas; others fulminated that he was a reckless idiot, a wacko, a narcissist who perished out of arrogance and stupidity--and was undeserving of the considerable media attention he received."

From what you have read thus far in the author's note as to what McCandless did, and without knowing the entire story, what is your opinion? Is he "admirable" and "noble," or is he "a wacko" and "a narcissist who perished out of stupidity?"

Please respond in at least 5-6 sentences by no later than 11:59pm Wednesday February 2nd.