Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Assignment # 8: Chapter 3, Question 2

Understanding Chris

Over the course of the chapter, we begin to learn more about Chris. We learn about his personality, his life-style, his background, his physical characteristics, and some of his motivations. I want you to make a list of 20 different things that you learn about Chris.

Due: Thursday, February 3rd by 11:59pm


  1. 1. Had .22 calibor pistol
    2. Doesn't tell truth to hide true life
    3. Adventurous
    4. Had 10 pounds of rice with him
    5. Wasn't a "family guy"
    6. Didn't care to know the time at any point
    7. Liked white russian
    8. Smallish
    9. Face had a strange elasticity
    10. 24 when he died
    11. He had sensitive good looks
    12. Looked hungry
    13. Had trace of blood in his eyes
    14. Hard worker
    15. Told stories of his travel
    16. Body found in Alaska
    17. Body found by moose hunters
    18. Very talkive
    19. Very intelligent
    20. Came from rich family

  2. 1. Had a .22 caliber rifle.
    2. Enstranged from his parents.
    3. 10 pounds of rice with him.
    4. Smallish, stringy physique.
    5. Hard worker.
    6. Liked White Russian.
    7. His face seemed elastic.
    8. Did not want to know the time.
    9. Had a trace of exotic blood in his eyes.
    10. seemed hungry.
    11. told stories about his travels.
    12. knew about different berries in the forest.
    13. Body was found by hunters
    14. Extremly smart
    15. From a well-to-do family
    16. Very talkative
    17. died at age 24.
    18. He was adventorous
    17. Read a lot
    18. Changed his name.
    19. Was not afraid to get dirty
    20. Hid his past from people he met

  3. 1)He tries to hide behind lies
    2)the loves adventure
    3)he likes alcohol
    4)He has a gun
    5)he only lived to be 24 years old
    6)He was a wealthy child
    7)he was smart
    8)he was hungry at the end
    9)the loved to talk
    10)he didnt care about his family
    11)he has an icy look in his eyes
    12)he went to Alaska
    13)he was good looking
    14)he liked rice
    15)time was not a necessity
    16)he was a small man
    17)he worked exteremly hard
    18)he liked to tell stories of what he did
    19)hunters found his body
    20)he had a face that was a little bit odd

  4. 1, Had a gun/Pistol
    2,was from a wealthy family
    3,Likes to talk
    4,very smart
    5,Found dead in Alaska
    6,Worked hard
    7,Dead body found by moose hunters
    8,Small in stature
    9,elasticity in his face
    10,died at age 24
    11,wasnt close to his family
    12, Wrote stories about his travels
    13,blood in his eyes
    15,Good looking ;)
    16,like alochol
    17,Doesnt care about time
    18, adventurous
    19,hides his life behind lies
    20,for food on his journey brought a ten pound bag of rice

    Mark D

  5. 1. reasonably intelligent
    2. drinks
    3. lies to hide preexisting life
    4. youthful looking
    5. 5' 7"-8"
    6. stubborn
    7. originally from wealthy family
    8. firm in his beliefs
    9. self sufficient
    10. adventurous
    11. chatty
    12. travels light
    13. crazy
    14. self confident
    15. unconventional
    16. carefree
    17. searching for pure, natural happiness
    18. curious
    19. sturdy
    20. rugged

  6. 1. died at the young age of 24
    2. wanted a life of simplicity
    3. needed to get away from society
    4. very intelligent
    5. drank alcohol
    6. came from a rich family
    7. gave up almost everything to go into the wild
    8. found dead
    9. went to live in the wild of Alaska
    10. elasicity in his face
    11. was very courageous
    12. changed his name to Alexander Supertramp
    13. had no care for time
    14. owned a gun
    15. wrote of his travels
    16. made an S.O.S. note
    17. brought a ten pound bag of rice with him
    18. had a small stature
    19. worked hard
    20. his dead body was found by moosehunters

  7. 1. Had .22 calibor pistol
    2. Small
    3. Was 24 when he died
    4. Had 10 pounds of rice with him
    5. Very talkative
    6. Smart
    7. Adventurous
    8. Liked to read
    9. Appeared as white Russian
    10. Hungry
    11. Hunters found his body
    12. Time was not a necessity to him
    13. Was not a family man
    14. Worked extra hard
    15. Drinks
    16. Youthful looking
    17. Searching for simple life
    18. Courageous
    19. Went to Alaska
    20. Changed his name

  8. 1 Brave
    2 Naive
    3 Wanted a free life
    4 Young in mind and body
    5 22 cal gun
    6 under prepared
    7 false identity
    8 possibly estranged from his family
    9 Dark (Greek possibly Chippewa)
    10 emotive
    11 Lanky yet strong
    12 nearsighted
    13 appeared starved (lack of supplies)
    14 stubborn
    15 energetic
    16 alcohol
    17 handsome
    18 rugged life
    19 worker by nature
    20 Died
    -Sean H.

  9. 1. Had a .22 caliber rifle.
    2. Hid his past from people he met
    3. 10 pounds of rice with him.
    4. Smallish, stringy physique.
    5. Hard worker at whatever job he was assigned
    6. Liked White Russian for alcohol
    7. Hid his past from people he met.
    8. Did not want to know the time nor did he want to know the date
    9. It was clear to many that he was of a different nationnality
    10. Went many days with simply eating the vegetable and fruits he past on his journey's
    11. told stories about his travels to eveyone he met
    12. knew about different berries in the forestdue to his book about them
    13. Very stubborn, he thought he could do everything on his own
    14. Extremly smart
    15. His family was pretty wealthy, in the upper class of society
    16. Very talkative to everyone he would meet, and everywhere he would go.
    17. Read a lot
    18. He was very enthusiastic about his journey
    19. Changed his name.
    20.Died at age 24

  10. 1. parents tried to control his future.
    2. very independant
    3. had a yellow Datson/best car in the world
    4. Loved to read
    5. Very hard worker, not afraid to get down and dirty
    6. Loved to read
    7. Jack London inspired him to experience the "Alaskan Odyssey"
    8. Went on "Mini Adventures" in the summer during college.
    8. Gave nearly all of his money to OXFAM
    9. Has a lanky physique
    10. Didn't eat very often
    11. Changed his name
    continued on next post...

  11. 1. He had a 22. caliber pistol
    2. He was an avid reader
    3. His parents tried to control his life
    4. He was a small man
    5. He was a VERY hard worker
    6. Gave almost all of his money to charity
    7. Changed his name
    8. Died at 24
    9. Was very excited about his journey
    10. Kept the people he met in the dark about his past
    11. Nearsighted
    12. Wore glasses
    13. Liked White Russian alcohol
    14. Wanted a free life
    15. Stubborn
    16. Wanted a simple life
    17. Very talkative
    !8. Very adventurous
    19. Extremely intelligent
    20. Had 10 pounds of rice with him

  12. 12. He had a very adventurous spirit.
    13. Liked to talk a lot
    14. Only cared about the bare essentials of life.
    15. He was a very stubborn person.
    16. Very intelligent.
    17. Neither time or the date mattered to him.
    18. Was very against accepting help from others.
    19. Very under prepared
    20. Died at the age of 24.

  13. 1. brave
    2. adventerous
    3. intelligent
    4. wanted a simple life
    5. hard working
    6. talkative
    7. didn't want to be told how to live by society
    8. changed his name
    9. enjoyed reading
    10. independant
    11. donated his money to oxfam
    12. small individual
    13. stubborn
    14. had glasses
    16. nearsighted
    17. energetic
    18. drank alcohol
    19. motivated
    20. died young

  14. 1.When Chris left he told nobody.
    2.Chris abandoned his car because the engine became flooded.
    3.Before Chris died he wrote an s.o.s. letter for some last hope of help.
    4.Before journeying off into the woods, Jim gave Chris 4 sandwiches, sturdy boots, and his number.
    5.For a number of days Chris stayed in an abandon bus.
    6.Researchers think Chrismight've died from starvation.
    7.Chris' body was found in the bus wrapped up in a sleeping bag.
    8.When Chris worked for Wayne, Wayne said he was up for everything and never gave up on a job.
    9.When Chris worked for Wayne, the people in the area grew to love him
    10.'Chris was smallish with the hard, stringy physique of an itinerant laborer.'
    11.Dark and emotive eyes suggested he was Greek or Chippewa
    12.He had sensitive good looks that women made a big fuss over
    13.Chris wore steel-rimmed glasses
    14.He had a mouth of horsy teeth.
    15.Chris' facial expressions possessed a strange elasticity.
    16.Jim, the truck driver, said he could that Chris was educated because he had intellectual views and used intelligent words.
    17.Chris changed his name to Alex Supertramp.
    18.Chris grew up in Virginia and moved to Washington D.C.
    19.The Charity that Chris donated to was a Charity called OXFAM, thats dedicated to fighting hunger
    20.The car that Chris had was a yellow Datsun.
